Fighter Toads (First Comics of Fighter Toads)

Fighter Toads are fictional toads features in Raj Comics. Their individual names are Computerr, Masterr, Cuterr and Shooterr ("terr" is the sound that toads make in Hindi). These were created by "Dhananjaya", one of the friends of Super Commando Dhruva, another Raj Comics character.
Introduction By Raj Comics

They are foursome mutant Toads living as a team in a gutter hole.They are individuals namely, Masterr, Computerr, Cutterr and Shooterr.Masterr- He is group leader who is most of the time misleading. Uses a pole to vault himself at the enemy.Computerr- He is wired to a very personal computer. Uses it to know about human things. So he is team's knowledge bank or bankrupt. Cutterr- Equipped with a katana sword. He is quickest of the lot in loosing temper.Shooterr- He shoots arrows having cup heads or duck feet heads.They move around among people well hidden in overcoats and low drawn hats.
They fight ferociousely only when Computerr issues the command word "Toads Action".Their fights are as hilarious as WWF Fights.Their barbed comments and sarcastic remarks add pep to the battle scenes

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